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"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matt 11:28-29

Our Services

All our counseling programs are grounded in the principles of God’s word, and we believe that a strong relationship with Him will take and carry you through every difficult situation you may be facing or might face in the future.  Our counsellors are trained to provide practical tools and strategies to help individuals and couples resolve conflicts, improve communication, and deepen their connection with themselves or one another.

Counselling Service

We understand that marriage is a sacred and important commitment that requires intentional effort and dedication from both partners. We offer marriage counseling services to help couples navigate the challenges that can arise in any marriage and to strengthen and improve the relationship between spouses.

We recognize that every marriage is unique, and our counselors work closely with each couple to develop personalized plans that address their specific needs and challenges. Our goal is to help couples build a strong foundation of love and trust that will carry them through the ups and downs of life together.

Whether you are experiencing difficulties in your marriage or simply want to strengthen your relationship, we invite you to consider our marriage counseling services. With God’s guidance and the support of our experienced counsellors, we believe that every couple can achieve a healthy and fulfilling marriage.

We offer depression counseling services to provide support, guidance and hope to individuals who are struggling with this condition.

We recognize that depression can affect people in different ways, and our counselors work closely with each individual to develop personalized plans that address their specific needs and challenges. Our goal is to help individuals understand that they are not alone in their struggles and to provide them with the tools they need to move forward with hope and confidence.

Whether you are currently experiencing depression or have struggled with it in the past, we invite you to consider our depression counseling services. With God’s guidance and the support of our experienced counsellors, we believe that every individual can find healing and peace in the midst of their struggles.

Anxiety can be a challenging and debilitating condition that can impact every aspect of a person’s life. We offer anxiety counseling services to provide support, guidance, and hope to individuals who are struggling with this condition.

Our anxiety counseling program is grounded in the principles of God’s word, and we believe that a strong relationship with Him is essential to overcoming anxiety. Our counselors are trained to provide practical tools and strategies to help individuals manage their symptoms and develop a more peaceful and balanced life.

Whether you are currently experiencing anxiety or have struggled with it in the past, we invite you to consider our anxiety counseling services. With God’s guidance and the support of our experienced counsellors, we believe that every individual can find healing and peace in the midst of their struggles.

Trauma can have a profound impact on an individual’s life, often causing long-lasting effects that can be difficult to overcome. We offer trauma counseling services to provide support, guidance, and healing to individuals who have experienced trauma.

Our trauma counseling program is grounded in the principles of God’s word, and we believe that a strong relationship with Him is essential to overcoming the effects of trauma. Our counselors are trained to provide evidence-based therapies that have been shown to be effective in addressing trauma-related symptoms, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

A healthy relationship is essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life. We offer relationship counseling services to couples and individuals who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships or simply want to strengthen their connections with others.

Our relationship counseling program is grounded in the principles of God’s word, and we believe that a strong relationship with Him is essential to building healthy relationships with others. Our counsellors are trained to provide practical tools and strategies to help individuals and couples improve communication, resolve conflicts, and build deeper connections with one another.

Children and teens face unique challenges in today’s world, and we offer counselling services to provide them with the support, guidance, and tools they need to navigate these challenges and grow into healthy, well-adjusted adults.

Our children and teen counseling program is grounded in the principles of God’s word, and we believe that a strong relationship with Him is essential to navigating the challenges of adolescence. Our counsellors are trained to provide age-appropriate and evidence-based therapies that have been shown to be effective in helping children and teens manage anxiety, depression, behavioral issues, and other challenges.

Family is the foundation of society, and we offer family counseling services to help families build stronger, healthier relationships with one another. Our family counseling program is grounded in the principles of God’s word, and we believe that a strong relationship with Him is essential to building strong and healthy families.

Our family counseling services are designed to help families improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their connections with one another. Our counsellors are trained to provide practical tools and strategies to help families address a wide range of challenges, including parenting issues, communication problems, conflict resolution, and more.

Grief is a natural and necessary process of healing after the loss of a loved one or any other significant loss. We offer grief counseling services to provide support, guidance, and healing to individuals who are struggling to cope with their loss.

Our grief counselling program is grounded in the principles of God’s word, and we believe that a strong relationship with Him is essential to navigating the grieving process. Our counselors are trained to provide evidence-based therapies that have been shown to be effective in helping individuals manage their grief, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness-based Therapy.

Divorce can be a painful and difficult experience for individuals and families. We offer divorce counseling services to provide support, guidance, and healing to individuals who are going through or have gone through a divorce.

Our divorce counseling program is grounded in the principles of God’s word, and we believe that a strong relationship with Him is essential to navigating the challenges of divorce. Our counsellors are trained to provide evidence-based therapies that have been shown to be effective in helping individuals manage the emotional and psychological impact of divorce.

We understand that loss can take many forms, including the loss of a loved one, a job, a home, or a relationship. We offer loss counseling services to provide support, guidance, and healing to individuals who are struggling to cope with their loss.

Our loss counseling program is grounded in the principles of God’s word, and we believe that a strong relationship with Him is essential to navigating the grieving process. Our counsellors are trained to provide evidence-based therapies that have been shown to be effective in helping individuals manage their grief and loss, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness-based Therapy.

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